Friday, February 2, 2007

Modeling is a Sport.. right?

My little girl wanted to be my model today. We got her all fixed up including her fancy sticker earrings. She is my "sport" for the day!

Thanks for all the comments I have had previously, and I appreciate all HHCC.

f4.5 1/500 ISO 400 (I forgot to change that today..) f5.6 1/125 ISO 400


Anonymous said...

Look at those eyes..just beautiful!

meliss said...

Those are beautiful eyes!

The shadows on her face are a bit distracting to me and the second photo seems a tad overexposed. That said, these are great!

Sara D. said...

I would try to move her to another spot, without the distracting shadows in #1 and the harsh light in #2. My DD LOVES her stick-on earings!!!

Amanda said...

Wow, she has beautiful eyes!
I agree with Meliss and Sara. Try finding a window where the light comes through but not so harsh. If I can see the reflecion of the sun on my floor or wall - I won't take a pic in that light. does that make any sense? lol

Lee said...

Thanks for the CC.. I was so excited for light today.. FINALLY!!! But I totally see what you are saying. And I loved how bright her eyes came out.

Alissa said...

her cathlights are fabulous... that color of eyes... killer!

a agree with meliss... try to get her to turn toward the light a bit more, it'll decrease the shadows.