Friday, February 16, 2007

Swing Fun!

5 different pictures of my kids swinging. Okay so I lied, there are more than 5. I used actions from Amanda. Brighten up, creamy bw, and pastel. So let me know what you think! I tried some creative shots I would love HHCC. Thanks for looking! Some of the shots I took while lying down under the swing. It was exciting, let me tell ya!
f4 1/4000 ISO 800 f4 1/4000 ISO 800 f4 1/4000 ISO 800 f4 1/3200 ISO 800 f4 1/4000 ISO 8000 f4 1/3200 ISO 800 f4.5 1/4000 ISO 800 f5.6 1/1000 ISO 800 f4 1/4000 ISO 800f5.6 1/3200 ISO 800 f4.5 1/2000 ISO 400 And this one because I think it is cute, what do you think?


Itworksforbobbi said...

What a great idea for this challenge! These are great! And thanks for posting all yours specs. It helps to know how you captured these!

Mom2Drew said...

1 and 5 are my favs. I like how they are the center of the photo, nothing in the back to distract. To me...these stand out, although all are cute. It's as if these go beyond snapshots if you will. Nicely done and I too am so enjoying these actions.

Allison said...

Very cool! You're doing so well...I'm so happy for you!

Alissa said...

you know how i freaking love #5. rocks the house!

Anonymous said...

#5 is too cute!! these are so fun!

Jen said...

Oh cute shots! I have never been able to capture my kids on swings very well.
I love the third one down!

Lei said...

I really love these Lee! The last one of your daughter pooped on the bench is endearing.