Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I really liked this picture and loved how the reflection was so clear and showed the sky so beautifully. f14 1/50 ISO 200 HHCC Appreciated.


~JustJulie~ said...

I like the perspective and the reflection. I looks a little fuzzy to me, like I can't find a real sharp focal point. But, maybe that's my eyes.

Alissa said...

this is good... fabulous eye for noticing the refection.

cc: i want you to get down lower... get on the ground... find an interesting angle... your aperture doesn't need to be f/14... and your ss needs to come up. try more like f/9 and a ss of 1/100 or more...

Amanda said...

Great eye, but I do agree with the pp'ers. Congrats on your fireman thingy. I wanna see the pics!